Odds are that you probably spend more time at work than at home.
It’s only appropriate that, assuming your office allows it, you amp up your workspace and make it a place that you feel more comfortable working in.
Much like your clothing, your office space can say a lot about you. Are you messy? Does your desk still look like the first day you moved in?
Don’t be afraid to add some personality. Even if it’s just a hint. We’ve complied a list of appropriate and classy items that can add that bit of flare to your office space.
Table of Contents

Every other object on your desk is inanimate, why not add something to bring life into it?
When it comes to plants, think more along the lines of bamboo, cacti, or air plants. They don’t require much care, and will survive despite the lack of sunlight.
Our pick: Hanging Air Plant Terrariums

Maybe your office is dimly lit. Maybe you just found a cool lamp. Either way, a lamp could bring a bit of the Mad Men feel to your desk.
Our pick: Industrial Table Lamp
Desk Organizers

Keep the clutter at home. Better yet, forgo the clutter all together.
With a desk organizer or two on your desk, you’ll be that much neater and always know where everything is.
Our pick: Wooden Desk Organizer
Ergonomic Stuff

You’re on that desk at least 8 hours per day. This can take a toll on your body.
Ergonomic desk items, like a specially made keyboard, laptop holder, and mouse, can help reduce injury while making your desk look that much better. Futuristic, even.
Our pick: Rain Design mStand

Your eyes could use a break from the computer. They deserve to see something that isn’t emitting some type of backlight.
Keep a book or a couple magazines at your desk to get a dose of good old-fashioned print media.
Our pick: We like to keep GQ and Esquire handy

We’re talking small souvenirs here. Not that novelty license you picked up on your road trip. Souvenirs serve as a reminder of pleasant memories.
They’ll give you stories to tell your coworkers, or even motivation to get you through to that next vacation.
Our pick: Something cool from your last vacation
Framed Pictures

The possibilities here are endless. This could be a replica of your favorite painting, an awesome picture you took on your phone, or a picture of your significant other.
Our pick: Linear Black Picture Frame
Pen Set

Taking notes with a pen and notebook is underrated.
On top of having a beautiful-looking pen set (fountain pen, maybe?), taking notes by hand is a more engaging process than mindlessly typing things down.
Our pick: Padrino Magnetic Pet Stand
Valet Tray

You have everyday-carry items, but we wouldn’t recommend simply tossing them on your desk when you don’t want them in your pocket.
A valet tray will keeps things clean, and prevents you from wondering where you left those pesky car keys and your wallet.
Our pick: J.Crew Leather Valet Tray
Don’t go and place every single thing in this list on your desk. There’s a fine line between clutter and decoration. Instead, pick a few things and adorn accordingly.
And also, don’t forget that the options don’t end here.
Use this list as a guide, but don’t be afraid to add your own flair, whatever that may be (and so long as it’s work appropriate). Before you know it, you’ll feel right at home at work.