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Christmas Ties

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Holiday Christmas Neckties

Christmas-arguably America's favorite holiday, is a time full of color, festivities, food, family and fun, which naturally calls for the appropriate wardrobe. Holiday dressing can get a little over-the-top and funky, to say the least. But who says you have to wear an ugly Christmas sweater when you can simply throw on an awesome holiday necktie instead? They're great conversation starters and many are surprisingly stylish.

Christmas ties compared to your standard holiday get-up stand out and offer a more fun and refreshing take on Christmas fashion, especially since they come in an assortment ranging from standard to skinny, humorous to artistic. You'll certainly make an impression and be the best-looking gift by the Christmas Tree. Back in the day, holiday ties consisted of overly- flashy prints with funny images that didn't allow many options for those with a more subtle sense of style. Fortunately, we've moved past that and these neck adornments can easily be found in very minimal and more sophisticated holiday prints, so you can stay chic without compromising on the Christmas spirit. Although it's always fun to dress up in theme, holiday colors can be tricky at times, especially red and green, which are almost always reserved for Christmastime. But don't worry, as we've mapped out a few easy rules to follow when sporting your holiday looks. Christmas is full of reds, greens, golds and whites. Separately, we love all those colors, but together on an outfit can cause mayhem that even Santa's elves can't fix. If you plan on wearing a Christmas-colored or printed tie, make sure your shirt, suit, or sweater is a simple gray or navy.

If your tie isn't too loud, you can even opt for a light blue shirt. Black wouldn't be the best option as the bright shades would look too severe against it, but hey, it's Christmas, so wear whatever puts you in that holiday spirit best. Whether you're into colors or prints, there's a great selection of Christmas ties out there to choose from and we're certain you'll find a style that suits you and your personality best. Christmas is fun, so why shouldn't your outfit be the same?
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