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How to Fold the Rose Pocket Square

About the Rose Pocket Square

Although this fold may look simple at first glance, The Rose fold requires a bit of finesse and dexterity to execute it to perfection. When properly folded, the folds will spiral out from the center like a rosebud in bloom. Execution is key and subtle adjustments will go a long way. Satin silk pocket squares are highly recommended for this fold due to the luster and richness the curving folds create.

The Rose Folding Instructions

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
  • 1. Form a circle with your thumb and index finger
  • 2. Place the fabric on top of the circle you created in the first step, with the pocket square facing up
  • 3. With two fingers, push some fabric into the circle
  • 4. Gently pinch the fabric within the circle from below
  • 5. Twist the top fabric in a circular motion to overlap gradually
  • 6 Continue to twist until there is no more loose untwisted fabric
  • 7. Carefully hold the twisted folds while your remove your hand from underneath. Gently adjust the folds as needed, making sure not to let the folds untwist as you do so. If you’re not happy with the outcome, simply start over and try again. Every attempt will produce different results.
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